
Microsoft Power BI

Enrich Operational Dashboards with Dock Peformance Metrics
Integrate DataDocks with Microsoft Power BI to build customized visual reports of your dock operations. This connection allows you to create interactive dashboards that display real-time and historical data on carrier performance, dock utilization, and appointment adherence.

Microsoft Power BI

Integration Advantages

Enhanced Financial Reporting

Create comprehensive financial reports integrating logistics data.

KPI Tracking

Visualize operational metrics like dock utilization and on-time delivery rates.

Real-World Data Alignment

Ensure dashboards accurately reflect physical operational conditions for better decision-making.

Microsoft Power BI is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries
Ready to integrate DataDocks
Microsoft Power BI
Contact our support team to get started or request a demo to see how this integration can benefit your business.
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